Monday, October 20, 2008

Wordart Freebie

Just a reminder that you need to visit the store because we have a sale going on now! Dont forget to use the coupon code. To go to the store click on the flyer.

I was playing in photoshop today trying to keep my mind off of my spasming esophagus and I created this moon, so my pain is your gain (literally). I hope I get this thing figured out soon because it is not fun! I have been having these attacks, like I am choking on my spit, but I cant breathe and then when I can breathe I can not stop coughing. It feels like there is something in my throat. I think that it has something to do with acid reflux coming up and sending my esophagus into spasms and them my throat is inflamed. I am going to try a bland diet for a few days and take some prilosec otc to see if it helps. It happened twice today. Well, I will let you know if I get it figured out.

Get it Here!

My new tagger kit UP Town
Stop by the store to get it today!

Get it Here!

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has download my CU snowman and left comments. It means a lot. I hope that you get lots of use out of him. I will be putting up another Cu item soon. I can tell that all you out there in digi land like the CU items. Well, I hope everyone has a good evening. Enjoy your loved ones!

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